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The Security Science Factory

The Security Science Factory is Secure-IC’s cybersecurity innovation center that focuses on collaboration, knowledge dissemination and research as well as development and implementation of cutting-edge and advanced technologies.

The Security Science Factory (SSF) is Secure-IC’s internal engine for generating security innovations. The SSF gathers our researchers and experts to advance security intelligence and technologies in our state-of-the-art laboratories in Rennes, Paris, Singapore and Tokyo.

With its dedicated team of experts and PhDs, SSF will conduct R&D activities, collaborative projects and carry out various activities to disseminate our expertise through scientific publications (more than 250 papers), 50 patent families, conferences and other actions towards the community and standardization entities.


For example, our CTO, Sylvain Guilley, is involved in many initiatives such as the contribution to standardization bodies. He is lead editor of international standards, such as ISO/IEC 20897 (Physically Unclonable Functions) and ISO/IEC 20085 (Calibration of non-invasive testing tools). He is part of the editorial committee of MITRE working among other things on the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses (CWE Top 25), member of the IACR and senior member of the IEEE and the CryptArchi club.


The Security Science Factory of Secure-IC has dedicated security evaluation laboratories including resources and platforms as well as an extensive collection of experimental results and cyberattack scenarios (datasets, measurement campaigns, characterization methods) giving us the ability to validate proofs of concept.

Acting as a cybersecurity research center, SSF includes our R&D and advanced projects, as well as our thought leadership activities. Several trends and research on the hot topics of cybersecurity are studied to develop advanced cybersecurity solutions to help our customers and partners have the most effective solution to secure their embedded and connected products. It is a world that is not static, the attacks are multiplying and becoming more and more complex, our solutions thus must be state-of-the-art and as much as possible anticipate the trends. Thus, SSF is at the origin of the best security solutions to anticipate hacker’s attacks that are increasingly inventive.

Furthermore, SSF will allow you to increase the competence of your teams through a comprehensive service offering and associated trainings in order to be better prepared for the ever-changing threat landscape.

We also ensure the normative follow-up which is essential to the success of your projects including a deep knowledge of the standards and the norms applicable to your markets and the participation in the definition of security standards (ISO/IEC, JTC1/SC27, MITRE CWE, AFNOR, RISC-V International, etc.).

SSF is positioned at the heart of the cybersecurity ecosystem (research institutes, normative establishments, influential industrial players) to collaborate in order to foster innovation, provide solutions that are adapted and appropriate to a specific market, share knowledge and influence to make cybersecurity awareness progress.
