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Secure-IC will participate in the next edition of the KSE conference.

Sylvain GUILLEY, CTO & Co-Founder of Secure-IC will give a speech on “ElectroMagnetic Analysis with Secure-IC Analyzr Platform“:

Title: ElectroMagnetic Analysis with Secure-IC Analyzr Platform


Secure-IC offers analysis tools under the brandname Analyzr. The latest offering in Analyzr product line is the “ElectroMagnetic Injection” (EMI). It aims at performing chip-level attacks (e.g., key extraction, control flow disruption) and reverse-engineering. In this presentation, we highlight the cutting-edge characteristics of the platform and some use-cases. The advanced characteristics are: scaling of EMI probes, speed of the pulsed, waveform for frontside and backside measurements. Use-cases consist in non-destructive side-channel analysis, fault injection, and runtime readout of internal signals. Analyzr with EMI capability is available for purchase now, along with a teaching program for ease of adoption and knowledge transfer.

Practical details:

  • 📍 Vietnam
  • 📅 October 19, 2023

Book a meeting with our team during the event


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