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Introduce yourself

My name is Safae, and I work as an R&D engineer for the HOST SW team. I earned a degree in data science and cloud computing engineering from Oujda’s National School of Applied Sciences. I had the opportunity to do my end-of-study internship with secure-ic, where I worked on the MLops topic, then I joined the IA program in 2022, where I worked on anomaly detection leveraging on artificial intelligence, then I shifted to the server security team, where I took part in the integrated security server  platform development.

What are the missions of your team at Secure-IC?

Within the Server security team, we’re working mainly on a roadmap project in the scope of the Chip to cloud program, where we develop cloud native applications for the integrated security server platform, which is a SaaS cloud platform for IoT device management, providing security related services such as  monitoring  and Key provisioning  . We’re involved in the product cycle including specification and conception tasks in addition to development. I also take part in reduced teams where we work on intrusion detection topics and IA related projects.


What is the most challenging project you took part in?

I believe the most challenging project was while releasing the first demonstration of our platform, it was very hectic and difficult due to the need to demonstrate the platform’s scalability, security, and integration capabilities. We faced numerous challenges, including optimizing performance under load, ensuring data security, and integrating third-party services. Despite the difficulties, it was an interesting and rewarding experience, highlighting the importance of collaboration and innovation.

What’s next for you in Secure-IC?

I’m excited to see our integrated server security platform turning into a mature product and launch it to the market. And thanks to secure-ic’s  internal mobility , I’ll be working on more artificial intelligence topics that are extremely interesting , also I appreciate the geographical mobility too because I’ll move to Rennes office in the coming month which is truly intriguing.

What is your best memory since you joined Secure-IC?

We’re very close at the Oujda site, so we make good memories with the team in a daily basis , the atmosphere is filled with good energy and laugher. But one standout memory will be the annual gathering in Rennes in November 2022, because it allowed us to meet the entire team from different countries. It was a thrill to see the faces behind the screens. Therefore, the opportunity was really appreciated.

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