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With billions of connected devices deployed across the world, from the vendor’s perspective , it is required to surely maintain seamless service to the end users benefiting from these devices. It is also necessary to ensure that the functional quality of the deployed services remain uninterrupted and unadulterated. To achieve this advanced interoperability, devices must be connected to one or more secure server where they are managed by cloud services.

However, an IoT infrastructure is only as secure as its weakest link. Therefore, cybersecurity in cloud computing provides the necessary measures to handle cyber threats and provide the platform with 0-day protection.


Server & Cloud Security Solutions

ServerSecure-IC clearly understands the industry need for a secure central solution, which we present as the SecuryzrTM Server, in the cloud that provides cybersecurity within and externally for on premise, private and public clouds for a safe and secure end-to-end connected device management.

SecuryzrTM Server provides a cloud root of trust for edge computing over multitude of devices. The solution can be broken down into several salient features:

  • Cloud: The cloud component in general provides the secure services and configurations to provision the edge or other connected devices in the infrastructure and also hosts a security profile for cloud computing cybersecurity and cloud IoT security. Advanced monitoring and intrusion detection provides round-the-clock protection against active threats from any point with AI-enhanced predictive capabilities.
  • Data storage: Storage of electronic data residing in the cloud can include various forms of data from EDI, PII as well as raw data. It is also possible to store sensitive data in a dedicated data center in a trusted location with additional security measures. Standard restrictions and regulations such as GDPR are applicable to protect data integrity across different channels and states such as rest, transit and processing.
  • Edge computing: The edge capabilities and computational requirements limit the amount of processing to be done at this level. The edge maintains constant communication with the cloud through a secure end-to-end channel and uses it to receive commands, configurations, updates, etc. and transmit processed or unprocessed data to the cloud.
  • Communication channel: The enabler of an IoT network is the data communication infrastructure that is used to connect to API services and register data traffic to the destination. Since it is one of the most exposed component into the public domain, top quality is required to ensure a trusted network for the IoT infrastructure. Communication can be achieved through wired, wireless or mixed modes of communication which can also include 5G networking.
  • Security: Security policy is essential at each level and is to be ensured within the design following but not limited to, the latest internationally recognized industry-specific and global standards for hardware and software components. A carefully implemented security by design and security layer helps ensure business continuity in the event of local or global threats to the platform or solution.

A cloud-centric infrastructure provides a high availability and manageability of services that are deployed via cloud-connected end devices. Secure-IC helps customers take this step towards digital transformation by managing the hardware modules in the connected device infrastructure. This approach enables device registration, provisioning and the end-of-life management. In addition, it provides the ability for advanced security monitoring by identifying weak links (compromised devices) and isolating them from the network. It also makes it easy to upgrade and maintain a set of devices at the same time from a single point of origin.

Standards & Certification to consider in Server & Cloud

Several standards have been developed and are applicable to the Server & Cloud industry as well general certifications like FIPS 140-3, OSCCA or Common Criteria.

As a security expert, Secure-IC supports companies and governments wishing to acquire and strengthen these certifications; whether through collaborative projects, tutorials, trainings or operational consulting.

Server & Cloud Specific Standards:

  • GP TEE